Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2015;6:89-95. doi: 10.5958/2394-2061.2015.00003.8. Epub 2015 Feb 13.

Cognitive status of persons under guardianship living in a social welfare institution.


Karličić IS, Stašević M, Janković S.


Background: The need for institutionalisation of elderly people derives from high rate of comorbidity and ageing, which result in the decrease of cognitive and functional capacities of future residents. Critical point in the procedure of accommodation of the people with dementia and other chronic illnesses is statement of willingness to be accommodated. Results of numerous studies point out that the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) can be used as a screening test for rapid clinical assessment of legal capacities.

Method: The group of 91 examinees under legal guardianship protection has been compared with the group of 57 users not being under legal guardianship, on the bases of their cognitive status. The MMSE was used for evaluation of cognitive status.

Results: Between the examined groups, a significant statistical difference in total MMSE score was found (F=19, 847; DF=2, 145; p<0.001). Subjects with no legal guardian had much higher values of total MMSE score compared to the subjects under legal guardianship. There was a statistically significant difference in the recurrence rate of cognitive status categories between the examined groups (Chi-square=29, 822; p<0.001).

Conclusion: The total MMSE score significantly correlates with decision making and proper interest supporting capacities, i.e. with placing subjects under any type of guardianship, which makes plausible to consider applying this instrument in order to make a more exact assessment of decision making capacity.



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